Delft Blue color hex code is 1F305E
HEX #1F305E color name is Delft Blue. HEX color code #1F305E represent the color in hexadecimal format by combining three values - the amounts of Red, Green and Blue (RGB). The RGB values of this color are 31, 48, 94 ( rgb(31, 48, 94) ). That means #1F305E color is composed of 12.2% of Red, 18.8% Green and 36.9% Blue.

A display of Delft Blue (Delfts Blauw) plate in Delft, the Netherlands
Delftware is one of the types of tin-glazed earthenware or faience in which a white glaze is applied, usually decorated with metal oxides, in particular the cobalt oxide that gives the usual blue, and can withstand high firing temperatures, allowing it to be applied under the glaze.

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Delft Blue. Delft Blue refers to the specific shade of blue that is often found on Dutch glazed earthenware. Named after the city in the Netherlands that specialized in this craft, Delft Blue originally got its color from various cobalt pigments that were applied in glazes. Delft Blue Hex #1F305E RGB 31, 48, 94 CMYK 67, 49, 0, 63. Dell Blue

Delft Blue ColorRare
Delft Blue pottery, also known as Delft Blue, Delftware, or Delft porcelain, is the characteristic white tin-glazed ceramic pottery with blue decorations, traditionally produced in Delft in The Netherlands. Delft Blue pottery was first made around 1600 as an alternative to Chinese porcelain.

highquality Blue Delft in 2021 Blauw aardewerk, Aardewerk, Delft
Delft paint color SW 9134 by Sherwin-Williams. View interior and exterior paint colors and color palettes. Get design inspiration for painting projects.

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History Blog The history of Delft Blue: visit to the Royal museum In 2023, I took a trip to Delft in the Netherlands (Europe), where you can visit the Royal Delft museum. As you might guess, there, you can find everything about the history of Delft Blue, which is typically Dutch pottery.

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Colorful Delft Blue Since the early 1900's modern ceramics produced in various Dutch and even German cities were popularly called 'Delft Blue'. These objects continued the successful tradition of seventeenth and eighteenth-century products from the city of Delft. While the antiques gained attention from both national and international collectors and researchers, the modern factories grew.

Delft blue Complementary or Opposite Color Name and Code (1F305E
Delft blue - Monochromatic Color Palettes 1F5E4D 1F4F5E 1F305E 2E1F5E 4D1F5E Delft blue - Analogous Color Palettes 0C1324 1F305E 324D98 241E0C 5E4D1F 987C32 Delft blue - Complementary Color Palettes

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Whether you're looking to create a classic or contemporary look, a Delft blue color palette is the perfect choice. Explore our range of shades and design ideas to discover the versatility and beauty of this timeless color scheme. Delft blue HTML color values Color values (from left to right) Swatch 1 HEX: 293C73 RGB: 41 60 115 CMYK: 97 87 27 13

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Color Spaces; Random Colors. Volkswagen Delft Blue / #162545 Hex Color Code. The hexadecimal color code #162545 is a dark shade of blue. In the RGB color model #162545 is comprised of 8.63% red, 14.51% green and 27.06% blue. In the HSL color space #162545 has a hue of 221° (degrees), 52% saturation and 18% lightness.
Delft Blue Color by Robert Doak & Associates Robert Doak Art
Royal Delft has been creating high-quality Delft Blue since 1653. The craft of painting is at the core of the company, although other decoration techniques have been developed over the years to create high-end eartenware.

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The official colors of the State of New Jersey for use. on the state flag and for other purposes shall be buff and. Jersey blue. For the purposes of this act the specifications, references and designations for the official colors of the. State are as follows: Jersey Blue (Cable No. 70087, royal blue. The Color.

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What is Delft Blue Color? Delft Blue has the hex code #1F305E. The equivalent RGB values are (31, 48, 94), which means it is composed of 18% red, 28% green and 54% blue. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:67 M:49 Y:0 K:63. In the HSV/HSB scale, Delft Blue has a hue of 224°, 67% saturation and a brightness value of 37%.

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Its complementary color is yellow . Blue (CMYK) (pigment blue)[edit] Blue (CMYK) (pigment blue) Cyan, magenta, and yellow are the three subtractive primary colors used in printing Color coordinates Hex triplet sRGB B ( r, g, b) HSV ( h, s, v) CIELCh uv ( L, C, h) CMYK ISCC-NBS descriptor B