10 Spectacular Red Foliage Tropical Plants for Your Garden Dengarden
Red-tipped Photonias produce shiny crimson red leaves that turn deep olive green as they mature. In the spring, these pretty shrubs produce clusters of white flowers that bugs love to visit. In the fall, buds turn to small red fruits that songbirds and squirrels enjoy snacking on.

Red leafed shrubs can add color and eye appeal to your home.
Scientific name: Callistemon The third red flowering shrub on our list is a truly unique option that can set off your yard with pops of color. It makes an impressive hedge, but it's so adaptable that you can prune it to function more like a tree or shape them into individual shrubs.

10 Spectacular Red Foliage Tropical Plants for Your Garden Dengarden
What Shrubs Have Red Leaves? (Top 10 Red-Leaf Shrubs) By trafoosinc September 23, 2020 If you've been to the Garden Center in your city, you might have seen some shrubs plants have red leaves and colorful features. Shrubs with red leaves are commonly called the "horses of the field" and are generally thought to be the most prolific.
12 Seasonal Bush and Shrub Species With Red Leaves
Sprinter ® boxwood is one of the best fast-growing evergreen shrubs, with glossy foliage that stays attractive year-round. The compact rounded habit is suitable for low hedging, containers and for edging pathways and borders. Hardy in zones 5-9, full sun to full shade, 2-4' tall and wide, deer resistant. 2.

10 Spectacular Red Foliage Tropical Plants for Your Garden Dengarden
If you are looking for a riot of colour in your garden, red evergreen shrubs are perfect for providing year-round interest and breaking up the monotony of green. These distinctive plants have something for everyone, from delightful pinks and purples, to the drama of a rich burgundy.

Velvety bloodred foliage of coleus 'Big Red Judy.' Coleus
'Red Majestic' Hazel (Corylus avellana 'Red Majestic') Red Tip Photinia (Photinia x fraseri) 'Ever Red' Chinese Fringe Flower (Loropetalumchinense 'Ever Red') 'Red Head' Japanese Andromeda (Pieris japonica 'Red Head') Red Chokeberry (Aronia arbustifolia 'Brillantissima') 'Compactus' Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus 'Compactus')

Bright Red Shrubs Friesner Herbarium Blog about Indiana Plants
1. Heuchera 2. Fringe Flower 3. Red Tip Photinia 4. Burgundy Loropetalum 5. Coral Bells Berry Smoothie 6. Fairy Wing 7. Red Leaf Hibiscus 8. Ajuga Black Scallop 20 More Deciduous Shrubs With Lovely Red Foliage, Berries, and Flowers! 1. Japanese Barberry 2. Smokebush 4. Spiraea Double Play Big Bang 5.

Bright Red Shrubs Friesner Herbarium Blog about Indiana Plants
Without a doubt, red foliage is super eye-catching in any garden landscape. The color red is an excellent accent color and is sure to brighten the garden environment. But is it possible to enjoy red leaves in your garden year-round? Contents [ hide] Believe it or not, it is!

RedLeaf Shrubs for Contrasting Compositions Best Landscape Ideas
Many of the following shrubs boast red foliage from January through to December, ensuring there will always be some fire and effervescence to your outdoor display. So without further ado, here are our top nine (mostly) evergreen (or 'ever-red') shrubs to brighten up your garden: 1) Hazel 'Red Majestic' BOTANICAL NAME: Corylus avellana

10 Spectacular Red Foliage Tropical Plants for Your Garden Dengarden
Red Chokeberry Red Osier Dogwood Spicebush Sumac Turpentine Bush Viburnum Virginia Sweetspire Witch Hazel 1. American Beautyberry American beautyberry, Callicarpa americana, is native to southern North America and suitable for cultivation in Zones 6 to 10.

10 Spectacular Red Foliage Tropical Plants for Your Garden Dengarden
8 Shrubs That Have Red Leaves All Year Gina Harper Updated: January 27, 2022 Red is a beautiful and vibrant color that makes any plant seem tropical and unique - almost 'out of this world'. Typical green plants can become boring, and let's face it red plants are certainly more fun.

Japanese Pieris in my garden Evergreen plants, Japanese pieris, Shade
Red flowering shrubs are excellent landscaping plants for adding bright, vibrant, dramatic colors to your yard. Shrubs with red blooms can range in color from shades of deep wine-red and burgundy to dark pink, crimson, and light coral. The hues of reds from flowering shrubs help create beautiful, colorful landscape designs.

Red Leaf Barberry (Berberis thunbergii) Red shrubs, Perennial shrubs
Gardening Trees, Shrubs & Vines Shrubs 22 Colorful Shrubs That Flaunt Gorgeous Foliage for Months By Nicole Bradley Updated on October 11, 2022 Photo: Marty Baldwin Think again if a plain green bush comes to mind when you picture a shrub.

Shiny, deep red leaves cover the naturally dense, globeshaped shrub
Azaleas like the evergreen Red Formosa provide a flamingly warm welcome to spring. But reblooming types, including the hardier evergreen Autumn Ruby that grows to only 2½ feet, can continue.
12 Seasonal Bush and Shrub Species With Red Leaves
Nandina (Nandina domestica) is an evergreen, ornamental landscape shrub with brightly colored leaves and crimson red berries.Nandina shrubs go by the common names of heavenly bamboo, Chinese sacred bamboo, or sacred bamboo. Nandina is a low-growing shrub that is popular in gardens due to its bright red or pink foliage that decorates the bush in the spring, fall, and winter.

8 Shrubs That Have Red Leaves All Year
Zones: 4-9; 4-6in height x 3′ W; partial sun; Bugleweed, widely known as ajuga, are fantastic red shrub for landscaping in gloomy places. Nevertheless, it is important to note that the Black Scallop has rich maroon leaves that are practically black (hence, the name).. Tiny spikes of deep-lavender flowers shoot up from the foliage in the spring!It will look fantastic in any garden with.